Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2003: Applied Research Note 4

Cross-border tourism and shopping: Consumer segmentation

by Eun Young Kim (School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management, University of North Texas, USA), & Pauline Sullivan (Textiles and Consumer Sciences, Florida State University)

With growing globalization, consumers’ cross-border tourism shopping is increasing. This paper use levels of tourism and shopping to identify four consumer segments: Cross-Border Tourism Shopper, Traditional Tourists, Traditional Outshopper, and Inactive Tourist/Shoppers. When compared with the traditional hospitality and leisure service tourist, the cross-border tourism shopper is highly engaged in experiential consumption of fashion goods, as well as entertainment. The traditional outshopper is characterized by more favorable attitude toward large city retail environment than the inactive tourist/shopper. There are implications for marketing to use differentiated strategies appealing to a specific market segment and capture the synergy between tourism and retailing consumption.


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