Submission Guidelines
Submissions are invited for e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR). Authors who would like to contribute to eRTR are invited to submit applied research notes and other pieces listed below through eRTR online submission platform: The submissions should be no more than 5,000 words.
Potential topics for publication may include:
- Applied tourism research notes
- Current research issues in tourism and hospitality field
- Non-technical summaries of current research
- Researchers and practitioners’ perspectives on tourism research
- Best practices
- Case studies
- Conference reports
The eRTR website is updated bimonthly. We accept all submissions on an on-going basis. Please provide all submissions as Microsoft Word documents via the eRTR online submission platform:
Criteria for Acceptance
All submissions must be original and should not be under publication consideration by any other journal. Practical implications of the papers and the main findings are the primary focus of this research bulletin. Purpose of study should be indicated in the submission.
1. Topic
You can write on any topics that in your view will contribute to the understanding of current and pressing issues in tourism.
2. Length
The submissions must be written in English and should be between 1,500 – 5,000 words max.
3. Format
The preferred software for submission is Microsoft Word. Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced and in Times New Roman font size 12. Margins should be set at 2.54cm (1 inch) all round.
The author’s name, title, affiliation, address, telephone number, fax number and email address should appear only on the cover page. A short biography about the author (about 75 words) should also be included. In the case of co-authors, the same details should also be included, for each author mentioned.
All correspondence will be sent to the first named author unless otherwise indicated. The summary for the manuscript should be on the second page. It should contain title, keywords, and abstract. The abstract should be no more than 100 words.
Manuscript style, references, and citations should follow the format outlined by the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (APA style).
Example: Teri, L. (1982). Depression in adolescence: Its relationship to assertion and various aspects of self-image. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 11(2), 101-106 4.
4. Tables and Figures
Figures, tables and other line illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Each should be numbered and titled, with tables numbered consecutively. General and simple audience friendly graphs or tables are preferred. Photographs can be submitted, and jpg, gif files are preferred.
5. Copyright
Prior to publication, the author(s) of accepted papers mush sign a Publication Agreement to transfer the work to e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR) for publication. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission to quote or reproduce material that has appeared in another publication.
For any inquires, please contact