Namita Roy
Research Student
Sydney Business School University of Wollongong
The relevance of researching online social networks and interactions cannot be questioned in the technologically advanced and highly digitized world we live in today (Belk, Price, & Peñaloza, 2013). Hence, Netnography as a methodology, which has been around for almost two decades, has more relevance today than ever. Kozinets’s Netnography: Redefined supplements the previous version of the book Netnography: Doing Ethnographic Research Online by adding an epistemological background explaining why and how it is not just a methodology for online ethnographic enquiry.
* Netnography: Redefined, 2nd Edition, by Robert V. Kozinets, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC, Boston, Sage Publications, 2015, x+ 305pp., ISBN 978-1- 4462-8575-6 (pbk)
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